Remote employment in Spain
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Remote Employment in Spain

Working for a business is a fast-growing route to remote employment in Spain, which has been accelerating since the pandemic.

Prior to the Covid lockdowns, remote employment in Spain was lagging behind much of Europe. Large employers were not keen on the practice, and most remote and flexible people tended to choose self employment instead. The office culture was ingrained, and telecommuniting a rarity.

All that changed of course when everyone had to work from home. Employers had proof itcould be done, and lots of people enjoyed it too! But there were problems due to structural inequalities, and old habits die hard.

That meant the law had to catch up, and new regulations on the rights of remote workers arrived in the autumn of 2020… Regulations that many firms considered restrictive and unhelpful.

Articles about remote employment in Spain:

But things are gradually shifting, and it is also now easier to work for overseas employers, while being resident in Spain.

It is also easier to find jobs which are specifically seeking remote workers, for all the qualities they offer. As global organisations seek to hire the best talent in the world, want to access that wherever it is found. Naturally they look to remote employment in Spain as a way to offer their people the best lifestyle perk of all!

We will be further exploring the ‘Head of remote’ role as this expands and develops. We know this will be important in the future of remote work everywhere, as it takes more than new law to ensure fair treatment and equity in the workplace.

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Maya Middlemiss

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