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Home » Digital nomads in Spain

Digital nomads in Spain

Digital nomads in Spain have always been a part of the remote work scene, despite the legal complications.

As part of the EU, citizens of many nations are free to live and work throughout Spain for months at a time, whether or not they choose to become resident. And the beautiful natural resources and climate are a big draw further afield. Just as Spain as always attracted tourists, those who want to stay longer and work a while like the idea as well.

Whether you prefer beaches, mountains, rural retreats, or bustling cities, digital nomads in Spain will find their spot.

And finally, there’s a route to doing so legally, as Spain gets with the programme and starts to welcome digital nomads with their own visa programme.

Articles about digital nomads in Spain:

Big news this year has been the enactment of the digital nomad visa, and while there are still details to iron out, we know a lot more than we did about what it will mean.

Once more people have been through the process, it will be clearer exactly what terms they are being offered, and the speed and process of application.

If you are applying for the visa, we would love to write a case study about you for Remote Work Spain!

And if you are unsure about your eligibility or what to do next, just book a free consult with our expert partners Entre Trámites, to discuss your options.

In the meanwhile, you can continue to build your freelance capacity and income, all ready for that visa application in due course. Many skills continue to be in demand, and easy to carry out from any location:

We will also be sharing freelance gigs and short-term contracts in our fortnightly newsletter, as the distinction between freelancing, employment, contracting, and solopreneurship continue to blend and churn in the exciting future of work we inhabit,

For digital nomads in Spain, the future has never looked brighter!

Maya Middlemiss

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